Why Global Peace?

Join us in a future where more humans are taking more action for Global Peace. How do you feel about Global Peace? What are you doing to engage with or disengage from it?
What would be possible for humanity and the human experience in a world of Global Peace?

We invite you to consider the idea of Global Peace. Why so important? What is it? How to engineer? How to measure? Discuss and practice it with us and each other. If you too, feel moved by the possibilities for humanity in a world of Peace for more, join our emergence.


We are not separate from each other or the Earth.

Practice the world we want to see, together in peace.

Celebrate Peace Each Day

Enough Humans want Global Peace in this World, to make it happen. We no longer want to perpetuate war, violence and ecocide, so, we give caring people everywhere a way to join voices and take small, yet significant, steps and opportunities to move into and cultivate positive peace together, by organizing: walks, dances, meditations and other peaceful ways of interbeing, with a direction focused on nurturing the wellbeing of ourselves and the next seven generations.


Ready to empower our movement of movements? You can donate through our 501c3 nonprofit fiscal sponsor. Please designate "Global Peace Yes".